When it comes to creating a compelling digital signage message, it pays to follow some best practices. Keep the message simple, the color palette contrasting, and the font size large. Make sure your video is short. And remember: keep it fresh! You can schedule your content for a month or just one day, but you can change it every now and then. Keeping your content fresh will ensure that it will attract a wider audience than a static display.
Messages should be simple
When designing digital signage, the content you display must be simple. This includes copy, graphics, and design. Your message should be simple, easily readable, and linkable. Using video is especially helpful because it can catch the attention of people more than static images or text. Also, videos can be eye-catching and can make an important announcement that you would otherwise miss. In addition to simple text, your digital signage should be attractive and simple to navigate.
Video: If your company is promoting a new product, use video as a way to show it to the public. Videos attract more attention than static messages and are also 10 times more likely to be watched by viewers. Use videos to tell the audience about your company’s new product or service, or show a showreel. You can also upload videos directly to the digital signage or use apps like YouTube. Just keep your message simple, and your customers will notice and pay attention to it.
Color palettes should be contrasting
There are many reasons to use contrasting colors in digital signage. Firstly, people respond better to contrasting colors. They can create a strong impact without overwhelming viewers. For example, yellow and purple make for an effective pair when used in traffic signs or health and thirst messages. In addition, these colors can be effectively used in banner ads, too, if you pair them with a bold red button. Using contrasting colors will help your content stand out from the crowd and draw viewers’ attention to your message.
Color palettes should be contrasting in order to make your designs pop. They should also be contrasting with one another. One way to use complementary colors is by combining opposite poles of the color wheel. There are many examples of complementary color schemes, including those that are simple and consist of only two colors. You can also grow a complementary color scheme by taking the tones, tints, and shades of each. You should select a primary and secondary color for your design and make them equally prominent. Using an equal number of colours can also create a vibrant design. Color palettes for digital signage should be contrasting with one another to create an eye-catching, striking contrast.
Font size should be large
In choosing fonts for your digital signage, it is important to consider legibility. Because many of the viewers of digital signage are in close proximity to the screen, large blocks of text require a closer viewing distance and longer attention span. While legibility is important in determining the readability of digital signage, it is not the same as visibility. Unless people can read the text clearly, it is of little use. To avoid any possible issues with legibility, choose a large font that can be viewed at a distance that is comfortable for the audience.
Another digital signage best practice involves using a large font. Choosing a large font helps grab the attention of viewers and reel them in. If you have subtitles on your screen, use a different font size for them. However, the body copy should be kept short and concise. Use a different color to distinguish between body copy and subtitles. Make sure not to reduce the size of the font for body copy.
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Video length should be short
If you want to get the most out of your digital signage, you need to keep the video length short. This is important for a variety of reasons, including maximizing the viewer retention. For example, it’s important to avoid using lengthy videos, which only generates wasteful bandwidth and decreases revenue. Similarly, short videos that are relevant to the brand and its audience are easier to digest. And, as a bonus, they require less training time for employees.
Unlike traditional TV or cinema, digital signage does not rely on audio. People are not likely to listen to audio on the screen, so make sure your video is short enough to keep your audience’s attention. In addition, make sure you keep the video length to a minimum of 20 seconds. In fact, you should only include relevant information, such as an advertisement, for around fifteen seconds. For best results, avoid showing the same content less than two minutes apart. Instead, you can include functional information in a table.